What is the Youth Survey Luxembourg?
The Youth Survey Luxembourg is a mutual research project between the University of Luxembourg and the Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse (MENJE).
It aims to understand different aspects of young people´s lives in the country, such as education, work, health, family and political engagement, among other topics. Do you currently go to school or do you work? How often do you exercise in your leisure time? How satisfied are you with your life? These are some of the questions we are trying to answer.
Why is the Youth Survey Luxembourg important?
The Youth Survey Luxembourg is the only general survey of young people living in Luxembourg. Through this project, we are able to understand different aspects of young people´s lives, their attitudes and needs.
This means that, at the end of the project, our research findings will help specialists, researchers, government and society to develop better policies and improve young people´s lives in Luxembourg. Therefore, your participation and answers are extremely valuable for us.
Why have I been chosen?
In order to ensure our data are accurate and representative of the population we are interested in, we have worked in cooperation with the Centre des technologies de l’Information de l’État (CTIE) to select our respondents from the National Register of Persons (RNPP). Please note that during this procedure, researchers at the University of Luxembourg did not have access to respondents’ names or addresses at any time.
We have carried out a statistical procedure to select young people residing in Luxembourg who are between 12 and 29 years old. This means that every selected respondent is extremely important for our survey results.
I have already participated in the Youth Survey Luxembourg 2019, 2020 or 2021. Why have I been chosen again?
The respondents for the Youth Survey Luxembourg are drawn at random for each wave. There is a small chance, that one is chosen multiple times between the age of 12 and 29. The researchers at the University of Luxembourg did not have and do not have access to respondents’ names or addresses. It is therefore impossible for us to avoid multiple invitations.
Every selected respondent is extremely important for our survey results. We would be very grateful, if you would participate again.
I would like to participate in the Youth Survey Luxembourg. What should I do?
Please note that you can participate in the Youth Survey Luxembourg only by invitation, i.e. in case you received an invitation letter to participate in our study. After receiving your invitation letter, please go to yosu.uni.lu, click on the start survey button and enter your personal access code (ID and password) in the appropriate fields. You may choose your preferred language for answering the questions. Upon completion of the survey, you have the chance to receive a voucher worth 15 Euros as a thank you for your participation. In total, up to 2000 vouchers will be distributed to the participants on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Please note that, in this survey, you will be asked about some topics such as feelings of sadness, hopelessness and other personal concerns. Some respondents may consider such content unpleasant. You can skip these questions and pause the survey at any time and use your personal credentials to continue at a later point. You may also end your participation at any time without giving a reason and without any consequences.
What will happen to my personal data?
The Youth Survey Luxembourg is subject to the general data protection regulations currently in force in Luxembourg. This means that all answers will be strictly confidential, pseudonymised and used only for scientific purposes. Hence, it will not be possible to identify you personally at any time, neither before, during nor after the survey.
Pseudonymisation means that your personal data is encrypted with an ID that makes it impossible for the researchers involved at the University of Luxembourg as well as outsiders to identify you or link you to your contact details.
For this reason, after completing the survey, your answers cannot be excluded from our database. Your answers will be securely stored at the University of Luxembourg for a period of 10 years. Only researchers directly involved in the project will have access to the pseudonymous data. Once the project is completed, the pseudonymised data will be made available to other researchers for scientific purposes.
You can download further information on our data protection policy here.
I do not want to participate in the Youth Survey Luxembourg. What should I do?
Please ignore the invitation letter and any reminders. Non-participation does not have any consequences and you do not need to give a reason.
Do you have further questions?
Please contact us if you have any further questions.
E-mail: yosu@uni.lu
Telephone: (+352) 46 66 44 9695
To download the project information, click here.
To download the data protection policy, click here